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香港中文大學(中大)校訓為「博文約禮」,致力培養德智並重的學生,此教育規訓正是「全人發展」的原型。為促成學生均衡與整全的成長,中大於二O一八至一九年度推出「博群踐行者計劃」,持續三年。此計劃以田家炳基金爲主要贊助單位、前校長沈祖堯教授為監督,共分為兩部份 ── 價值探索系列及核心小組培育;前者面向所有中大師生,後者則針對每年 40 名成員。
電話: 3943 1595
The motto of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is “Through Learning and Temperance to Virtue”. It could be perceived as the prototype of “Whole-person Development”. To motivate students to take solid action in pursuit of whole-person development, the I·CARE Achievers Programme is rolled out in 2018-19 and will be run for three years. This programme is chiefly sponsored by Tin Ka Ping Foundation and overseen by Prof. Joseph Sung, Former Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK. It is divided into two parts - “Value Exploration Series” and “Core Group Nurture”. While the former is open for all CUHK students and staff, the latter will serve 40 students a year.
Value Exploration Series
Core Group Nurture
Miss Wong of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 1595
Email: chloewong@cuhk.edu.hk