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2019-20 博群社會服務計劃 I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme 2019-20

(Please scroll down for English version)




  • 同學的自發性及參與程度;

  • 服務的創新性;

  • 同學是否已深入了解服務對象的背景及需要;

  • 服務的成本效益及效率;

  • 項目是否鼓勵跨學科的同學互相合作;

  • 服務是否能改善或減緩相關的社會問題;

  • 服務是否能對社會、文化、教育及政策帶來影響;

  • 服務的延續性及可持續性;

  • 服務受惠人數;

  • 項目是否得到其他的資助或任何形式的支援。






本計劃於 2019-20 分三期進行,同學可根據其服務開展的日期及預算金額,選擇遞交申請的時間。

* 受新型冠狀病毒影響,人群聚集應盡量避免,以減低感染風險。就此,第二期審批現已取消;有興趣同學/單位可於第三期審批再遞交申請。



日期:2020 年 1 月20 日(星期一)

時間:晚上 6 時 30 分至 8 時

地點:陳國本樓 UG05 室

內容:1. 計劃書撰寫要訣

2. 中大同儕的社會服務經驗分享


報名:請按 此處


日期:2019 年 10 月 21 日(星期一)

時間:晚上 6 時 30 分至 8 時 30 分

地點:陳國本樓 122 室


名額:30 人

報名:請按 此處



  1. 閱讀申請細則

  2. 聯絡博群 (3943 9860 / ,初步了解服務構思是否合資格申請資助;

  3. 邀請一位於香港中文大學擁有教學、管理或專業職位的全職員工作為項目顧問。顧問負責為同學提供專業意見及支援,以及擔任該項目財務帳戶的持有人;

  4. 填妥申請表格連附件,電郵至

  5. 博群初步遴選計劃書,通過初步遴選的申請者將獲邀面試。

Key documents 重要文件:




電話: 3943 9860 電郵:

I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development encourages students to design and engage in social services in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas that contribute to the all-round development of students.

Selection Criteria:

The following factors are taken into consideration when the applications are vetted:

  • The degree of students’ initiative and participation;

  • The degree of innovation of the project;

  • The degree of understanding of the background of the served communities;

  • Cost-effectiveness and efficiency;

  • Whether the project encourages inter-disciplinary collaboration;

  • Potential impact on societal issues or problems;

  • Power to draw socio-cultural, educational and policy implications;

  • Sustainability and continuation of the project;

  • Number of beneficiaries;

  • Level of support from other source(s).


CUHK students, student groups or university units (projects must be initiated by students)

Service Nature:

Projects could take place in Hong Kong, the Mainland or overseas, but must be of own devising.

Important Dates:

Three rounds of vetting are available in 2019-20. Students should take note of the following schedule when submitting applications.

* Under the threat of novel coronavirus, crowd gatherings are advised to be minimised so as to keep out infection. The Vetting Round 2 is therefore cancelled. All interested students/ parties may submit their applications in the Vetting Round 3.

Workshop of Practice cum Sharing Session

Date: 20 January 2020 (Monday)

Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Venue: Room UG05, Chen Kou Bun Building

Content: 1. Proposal writing skills

2. Sharing by CUHK fellows on how social services are rendered

Language: Cantonese

Registration: Please click here

Workshop of Practice cum Sharing Session

In this activity, participants will learn about proposal writing skills and hear the successful experience of previous project teams on how social services may bring about changes to the society.

Date: 21 October 2019 (Monday)

Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Venue: Room 122, Chen Kou Bun Building

Language: Cantonese

Quota: 30 

Registration: Please visit here


Application procedures:

  1. Study the Application Guideline;

  2. Consult I·CARE Centre (3943 9860 / whether your initial service idea is eligible for the funding. 

  3. Attain advisory support from ONE full time staff member holding an academic, administrative or professional position. Such staff will be the advisor of the project and will be responsible for: a) being the holder of the project’s financial account; and b) providing professional advices and support to the project. 

  4. Complete the application form and appendices. Applications should be emailed to

  5. I·CARE undergoes vetting of applications. Shortlisted applications will be invited for interviews.

Key documents 重要文件:




Miss Fung of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 9860 Email:


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