Tradition and Anti-tradition: Ch'ien Mu and the Intellectual Flow of Early 20th Century China
The 25th session of I∙CARE Salon, which is an iconic programme under the University Lecture on Civility,will be presided by Prof. Cheng Kat-hung* on "Tradition and Anti-tradition: Ch'ien Mu and the Intellectual Flow of Early 20th Century China". Details are set out below:
Date: 16 January 2023 (Monday) Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Lecture Theatre 7, Lee Shau Kee Building Language: Cantonese Host: Dr. Lau Po-hei (Office of University General Education) Registration: CUHK Student and Staff: Please click here CUHK Alumni and Public: Please click here
* Speaker’s Biography
Prof. Cheng Kat Hung, Ph.D. in Literature (National Taiwan University), is Chair Professor of Cultural History at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He served as Associate Vice President (Curriculum Development) at EdUHK, Professor in the Department of Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University, European Chair of Chinese Studies at Leiden University, one of the leaders of the “Project of Pursuing for Excellence (first phase)” initiated by the Ministry of Education (Taiwan), member of the Humanities Panel in the RAE 2014 of the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong, and speaker of the New Asia Lectures on Confucianism 2022 of the New Asia College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research specialises in philosophy of Zhouyi, Chinese intellectual history, classical hermeneutic, intellectual history of late imperial China, and East Asia studies. He has written numerous books, including among others 《周易鄭解》, 《漢學論衡》,《周易階梯》, 《浙東學術研究》, 《戴東原經典詮釋的思想史探索》, and has published more than 10 editing volumes and over 70 reviewed articles.
Brief of the talk (available in Chinese only):
錢賓四先生諱穆(1895-1990),新亞書院創辦人,上世紀極負盛名之國學大師。始任教燕京大學及北京大學於1930年,值古史辨運動興,反傳統思想瀰漫,激起維護中國傳統文化之風。先生以儒學道統自期,尤為士林冠冕,直至來港創立新亞書院,及後赴臺北講學讀書於素書樓,矢志不改。先生不惟生於傳統與反傳統激盪的年代,其學術與思想亦兼具傳統與反傳統之因素。 本講將從錢先生著作中勾稽例證,試作探討。
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Office of Student Affairs
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